External SFTP
  • 01 May 2024
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External SFTP

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Article Summary

External SFTP

Bobsled enables delivering data to an external SFTP. This SFTP can be hosted by the provider or sent to a consumer's SFTP. 

Configuring the destination

To get started with this feature, you first need to create a share. Once the share is created, choose the Pick destination option. A modal will appear where you need to select SFTP from the list of available options.

After this, click on the "External SFTP" button. This action initiates the setup process for an SFTP transfer. Once you have selected this option, proceed by clicking the Continue button. This will take you to the next step, which involves setting up user access.

Configuring SFTP server details

The next step is to provide the necessary details for the SFTP server. These details include the server address, port number, and an optional path if there is one. These details are crucial for establishing a successful connection to the SFTP server.

In terms of access, Bobsled provides support for username and password-based authentication. You need to input the credentials of a user who has the required access rights on the SFTP server. Bobsled will use these credentials to access the destination and transfer the data.

Creating a transfer

The final step in creating a usable SFTP destination is to transfer data to it. Once a source and destination have been added to a share, click Create transfer and follow the modal steps. Once the transfer is created and has successfully transferred, the SFTP destination will show those files within it.

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