Google Cloud Storage Destination
  • 17 Apr 2023
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Google Cloud Storage Destination

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Article Summary

Google Cloud Storage (GCS), an object storage service offered by Google Cloud Platform (GCP), is one of many delivery destinations that Bobsled supports. Bobsled will transfer the data to a Bobsled-managed destination bucket and grant permissions to the Google Principals that are configured in the destination section of a given share. The permissions granted allow each Google Principal to perform read and copy operations on the Bobsled-managed destination bucket. 

Set up a Google Cloud Storage Destination

To learn how to Configure a Google Cloud Storage destination in Bobsled, please visit: Configure a Google Cloud Storage Destination.


To access deliveries made to the Bobsled-managed GCP bucket, you will need to configure Bobsled to grant your Google Principal with read access to the Bobsled-managed destination bucket. 

Bobsled grants the following permissions to any account that is granted access to the data in the share:

    • Storage.objects.get
      • Read object data and metadata, excluding ACLs
    • Storage.objects.list
      • List objects in a bucket. Also read object metadata, excluding ACLs, when listing
    • Storage.buckets.get
      • Returns metadata for a specified bucket.

To learn more about Google Principals used within Bobsled please visit: Account Access Identifiers in Google Cloud Platform

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